Despite their low wages, still managed Tunisia Phone Number List to save a little bit of money. Look at yourself, your income is many times higher than them, but you have always been a moonlight family, and you still owe a lot of money to the bank, sometimes because you are tired from work, you need to treat yourself; sometimes because of anxiety, you do not invest in networking, training, Your own image (clothes, electronics, cars, etc.) can be eliminated at any time. In short, the Tunisia Phone Number List feedback from all the surrounding information to you is to continue to consume and consume more. Technology is constantly changing people's concepts, consumption patterns, and lifestyles. It also keeps people out of society, returning to otaku and otaku, not going out if they can, minimum consumption, and low-carbon life. Enterprises find that this is also a pain point.
So they develop more games and let them Tunisia Phone Number List live in the virtual world forever. Because a person devotes too much attention to one aspect, the needs of other aspects can be very small, which is why the action romance film is rich in the 50-year-old unmarried, and the proportion of playing games at home is so high. Will all business models eventually return Tunisia Phone Number List to their origins? Human needs are pain points, we have always believed that. Capital is profit-seeking. On the one hand, the rapid development of technology and the rapid increase in productivity, using various means to promote consumption; Consume what? What to do with one click? Or is human nature inherently lazy, and the ultimate goal of all technology companies is to send people into capsules, plug in tubes, and let everyone play games for a lifetime?
Every business boss said, let technology Tunisia Phone Number List better serve human beings. Jack Ma's unmanned supermarket, Google's autonomous driving. . . That's right, but with the addition of the time dimension, that is: let humans be replaced by Tunisia Phone Number List machines as quickly as possible. Drivers and supermarket salespersons, which used to require the most human operations, will soon be taken over by technology, not to mention other types of work. Ma Yun said that children must learn to play now, otherwise they will not find a job in the future. What I want to say is that people in the future should not need to work, but have you companies figured out how to set your own rules of the game? It is possible for everyone to be plugged in and not eat, drink, or work.