When designing your auto shop office and the employee contact list waiting area, you have the choice of using traditional signage such as cardboard posters or using oversized digital displays that captivate customers. Automotive store digital video walls help dealerships entertain customers in the lobby while helping the sales team increase revenue and customer loyalty. Thus, more and more small businesses and the employee contact list dealer chains are opting for digital walls instead of previous marketing and display methods. Here's why you should consider automatic digital video walls for your business over static display panels. What is a digital video wall?
Digital video walls are made up of multiple televisions placed together to form a single screen. Auto shop owners can decide how many TVs they want to employee contact list form for the video wall, the size of the devices and the shape they form. For example, you can choose nine smaller TVs to employee contact list form a 3×3 square in your waiting room or place six TVs in two columns of three vertically in your lobby. Although the initial investment in TVs may be more expensive than static signs in the beginning, car dealership owners can offset the long-term costs with increased sales through better promotions and lower operating costs.
Impression. Digital signage video walls also give auto shops additional flexibility with their content. All TVs can work together to employee contact list form one big picture, or they can each broadcast different messages and display different types of content. Some auto shop owners mix and match. They will play video content on a few screens, then have static images or slideshows on others. Content flexibility and control is one of the main reasons companies choose digital video walls for their interior design, but automotive shop owners can use this tool in a number of ways to employee contact list make their sales efforts more effective.